Install New Package Via Winget Local Manifest

Detects usage of winget to install applications via manifest file. Adversaries can abuse winget to download payloads remotely and execute them. The manifest option enables you to install an application by passing in a YAML file directly to the client. Winget can be used to download and install exe, msi or msix files later.

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

 1title: Install New Package Via Winget Local Manifest
 2id: 313d6012-51a0-4d93-8dfc-de8553239e25
 3status: test
 4description: |
 5    Detects usage of winget to install applications via manifest file. Adversaries can abuse winget to download payloads remotely and execute them.
 6    The manifest option enables you to install an application by passing in a YAML file directly to the client.
 7    Winget can be used to download and install exe, msi or msix files later.    
 9    -
10    -
11    -
12author: Sreeman, Florian Roth (Nextron Systems), frack113
13date: 2020/04/21
14modified: 2023/04/17
16    - attack.defense_evasion
17    - attack.execution
18    - attack.t1059
20    category: process_creation
21    product: windows
23    selection_img:
24        - Image|endswith: '\winget.exe'
25        - OriginalFileName: 'winget.exe'
26    selection_install_flag:
27        CommandLine|contains:
28            - 'install'
29            - ' add ' #
30    selection_manifest_flag:
31        CommandLine|contains:
32            - '-m '
33            - '--manifest'
34    condition: all of selection_*
36    - Some false positives are expected in some environment that may use this functionality to install and test their custom applications
37level: medium


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