Potentially Suspicious Execution From Parent Process In Public Folder

Detects a potentially suspicious execution of a parent process located in the "\Users\Public" folder executing a child process containing references to shell or scripting binaries and commandlines.

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

 1title: Potentially Suspicious Execution From Parent Process In Public Folder
 2id: 69bd9b97-2be2-41b6-9816-fb08757a4d1a
 3status: test
 4description: |
 5        Detects a potentially suspicious execution of a parent process located in the "\Users\Public" folder executing a child process containing references to shell or scripting binaries and commandlines.
 7    - https://redcanary.com/blog/blackbyte-ransomware/
 8author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems), Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
 9date: 2022/02/25
10modified: 2024/07/12
12    - attack.defense_evasion
13    - attack.execution
14    - attack.t1564
15    - attack.t1059
17    category: process_creation
18    product: windows
20    selection_parent:
21        ParentImage|contains: ':\Users\Public\'
22    selection_child:
23        - Image|endswith:
24              - '\bitsadmin.exe'
25              - '\certutil.exe'
26              - '\cmd.exe'
27              - '\cscript.exe'
28              - '\mshta.exe'
29              - '\powershell.exe'
30              - '\pwsh.exe'
31              - '\regsvr32.exe'
32              - '\rundll32.exe'
33              - '\wscript.exe'
34        - CommandLine|contains:
35              - 'bitsadmin'
36              - 'certutil'
37              - 'cscript'
38              - 'mshta'
39              - 'powershell'
40              - 'regsvr32'
41              - 'rundll32'
42              - 'wscript'
43    condition: all of selection_*
45    - Unknown
46level: high


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