Office Application Initiated Network Connection To Non-Local IP

Detects an office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) that initiate a network connection to a non-private IP addresses. This rule aims to detect traffic similar to one seen exploited in CVE-2021-42292. This rule will require an initial baseline and tuning that is specific to your organization.

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

  1title: Office Application Initiated Network Connection To Non-Local IP
  2id: 75e33ce3-ae32-4dcc-9aa8-a2a3029d6f84
  3status: test
  4description: |
  5    Detects an office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)  that initiate a network connection to a non-private IP addresses.
  6    This rule aims to detect traffic similar to one seen exploited in CVE-2021-42292.
  7    This rule will require an initial baseline and tuning that is specific to your organization.    
  9    -
 10    -
 11author: Christopher Peacock '@securepeacock', SCYTHE '@scythe_io', Florian Roth (Nextron Systems), Tim Shelton, Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
 12date: 2021/11/10
 13modified: 2024/07/02
 15    - attack.execution
 16    - attack.t1203
 18    category: network_connection
 19    product: windows
 21    selection:
 22        Image|endswith:
 23            - '\excel.exe'
 24            - '\outlook.exe'
 25            - '\powerpnt.exe'
 26            - '\winword.exe'
 27            - '\wordview.exe'
 28        Initiated: 'true'
 29    filter_main_local_ranges:
 30        DestinationIp|cidr:
 31            - ''
 32            - ''
 33            - ''
 34            - ''
 35            - ''
 36            - '::1/128'  # IPv6 loopback
 37            - 'fe80::/10'  # IPv6 link-local addresses
 38            - 'fc00::/7'  # IPv6 private addresses
 39    filter_main_msrange_generic:
 40        DestinationIp|cidr:
 41            - '' # Microsoft Corporation
 42            - '' # Microsoft Corporation
 43            - '' # Akamai International B.V.
 44            - '' # Microsoft Corporation
 45            - '' # Microsoft Corporation
 46            - '' # Microsoft Corporation
 47            - '' # Microsoft Corporation
 48            - '' # Microsoft Corporation -
 49            - '' # Microsoft Corporation -
 50            - '' # Microsoft Corporation
 51    filter_main_msrange_exchange_1:
 52        # Exchange Online
 53        # "urls": [
 54        #       "",
 55        #       "",
 56        #       ""
 57        # ]
 58        DestinationIp|cidr:
 59            - ''
 60            - ''
 61            - ''
 62            - ''
 63            - ''
 64            - ''
 65            - ''
 66            - ''
 67            - ''
 68            - ''
 69            - ''
 70            - '2603:1006::/40'
 71            - '2603:1016::/36'
 72            - '2603:1026::/36'
 73            - '2603:1036::/36'
 74            - '2603:1046::/36'
 75            - '2603:1056::/36'
 76            - '2620:1ec:4::152/128'
 77            - '2620:1ec:4::153/128'
 78            - '2620:1ec:c::10/128'
 79            - '2620:1ec:c::11/128'
 80            - '2620:1ec:d::10/128'
 81            - '2620:1ec:d::11/128'
 82            - '2620:1ec:8f0::/46'
 83            - '2620:1ec:900::/46'
 84            - '2620:1ec:a92::152/128'
 85            - '2620:1ec:a92::153/128'
 86        DestinationPort:
 87            - 80
 88            - 443
 89    filter_main_msrange_exchange_2:
 90        # Exchange Online
 91        # "urls": [
 92        #       "",
 93        #       ""
 94        # ]
 95        DestinationIp|cidr:
 96            - ''
 97            - ''
 98            - ''
 99            - ''
100            - ''
101            - ''
102            - ''
103            - ''
104            - ''
105            - ''
106            - ''
107            - '2603:1006::/40'
108            - '2603:1016::/36'
109            - '2603:1026::/36'
110            - '2603:1036::/36'
111            - '2603:1046::/36'
112            - '2603:1056::/36'
113            - '2620:1ec:4::152/128'
114            - '2620:1ec:4::153/128'
115            - '2620:1ec:c::10/128'
116            - '2620:1ec:c::11/128'
117            - '2620:1ec:d::10/128'
118            - '2620:1ec:d::11/128'
119            - '2620:1ec:8f0::/46'
120            - '2620:1ec:900::/46'
121            - '2620:1ec:a92::152/128'
122            - '2620:1ec:a92::153/128'
123        DestinationPort:
124            - 143
125            - 587
126            - 993
127            - 995
128        Protocol: 'tcp'
129    filter_main_msrange_exchange_3:
130        # Exchange Online
131        # "urls": [
132        #       "*"
133        #  ]
134        DestinationIp|cidr:
135            - ''
136            - ''
137            - ''
138            - ''
139            - ''
140            - '2a01:111:f400::/48'
141            - '2a01:111:f403::/48'
142        DestinationPort: 443
143    filter_main_msrange_exchange_4:
144        # Exchange Online
145        # "urls": [
146        #       "*",
147        #       "*"
148        #  ]
149        DestinationIp|cidr:
150            - ''
151            - ''
152            - ''
153            - ''
154            - ''
155            - '2a01:111:f400::/48'
156            - '2a01:111:f403::/48'
157        DestinationPort: 25
158    filter_main_msrange_sharepoint_1:
159        # SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business",
160        # "urls": [
161        #       "*"
162        # ]
163        DestinationIp|cidr:
164            - ''
165            - ''
166            - ''
167            - ''
168            - ''
169            - '2603:1061:1300::/40'
170            - '2620:1ec:8f8::/46'
171            - '2620:1ec:908::/46'
172            - '2a01:111:f402::/48'
173        DestinationPort:
174            - 80
175            - 443
176        Protocol: 'tcp'
177    filter_main_msrange_office_1:
178        # Microsoft 365 Common and Office Online",
179        # "urls": [
180        #       "*",
181        #       "*",
182        #       ""
183        # ],
184        DestinationIp|cidr:
185            - ''
186            - ''
187            - ''
188            - ''
189            - ''
190            - '2603:1006:1400::/40'
191            - '2603:1016:2400::/40'
192            - '2603:1026:2400::/40'
193            - '2603:1036:2400::/40'
194            - '2603:1046:1400::/40'
195            - '2603:1056:1400::/40'
196            - '2603:1063:2000::/38'
197            - '2620:1ec:c::15/128'
198            - '2620:1ec:8fc::6/128'
199            - '2620:1ec:a92::171/128'
200            - '2a01:111:f100:2000::a83e:3019/128'
201            - '2a01:111:f100:2002::8975:2d79/128'
202            - '2a01:111:f100:2002::8975:2da8/128'
203            - '2a01:111:f100:7000::6fdd:6cd5/128'
204            - '2a01:111:f100:a004::bfeb:88cf/128'
205        DestinationPort:
206            - 80
207            - 443
208        Protocol: 'tcp'
209    filter_main_msrange_office_2:
210        # Microsoft 365 Common and Office Online
211        # "urls": [
212        #       "*",
213        #       "*",
214        #       "*",
215        #       "",
216        #       "",
217        #       "",
218        #       "",
219        #       "",
220        #       "",
221        #       "",
222        #       "",
223        #       "",
224        #       "",
225        #       "",
226        #       "",
227        #       "",
228        #       "",
229        #       "",
230        #       "",
231        #       "",
232        #       "",
233        #       "",
234        #       "",
235        #       "",
236        #       ""
237        # ]
238        DestinationIp|cidr:
239            - ''
240            - ''
241            - ''
242            - ''
243            - '2603:1006:2000::/48'
244            - '2603:1007:200::/48'
245            - '2603:1016:1400::/48'
246            - '2603:1017::/48'
247            - '2603:1026:3000::/48'
248            - '2603:1027:1::/48'
249            - '2603:1036:3000::/48'
250            - '2603:1037:1::/48'
251            - '2603:1046:2000::/48'
252            - '2603:1047:1::/48'
253            - '2603:1056:2000::/48'
254            - '2603:1057:2::/48'
255        DestinationPort:
256            - 80
257            - 443
258        Protocol: 'tcp'
259    filter_main_msrange_office_3:
260        # Microsoft 365 Common and Office Online
261        #  "urls": [
262        #       "*",
263        #       "*",
264        #       "*",
265        #       "",
266        #       "",
267        #       "",
268        #       ""
269        #  ]
270        DestinationIp|cidr:
271            - ''
272            - ''
273            - ''
274            - '2620:1ec:4::192/128'
275            - '2620:1ec:a92::192/128'
276        DestinationPort: 443
277        Protocol: 'tcp'
278    condition: selection and not 1 of filter_main_*
280    - You may have to tune certain domains out that Excel may call out to, such as microsoft or other business use case domains.
281    - Office documents commonly have templates that refer to external addresses, like "" may have to be tuned.
282    - It is highly recommended to baseline your activity and tune out common business use cases.
283level: medium


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