PST Export Alert Using New-ComplianceSearchAction

Alert when a user has performed an export to a search using 'New-ComplianceSearchAction' with the '-Export' flag. This detection will detect PST export even if the 'eDiscovery search or exported' alert is disabled in the O365.This rule will apply to ExchangePowerShell usage and from the cloud.

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

 1title: PST Export Alert Using New-ComplianceSearchAction
 2id: 6897cd82-6664-11ed-9022-0242ac120002
 4    - id: 18b88d08-d73e-4f21-bc25-4b9892a4fdd0
 5      type: similar
 6status: test
 7description: Alert when a user has performed an export to a search using 'New-ComplianceSearchAction' with the '-Export' flag. This detection will detect PST export even if the 'eDiscovery search or exported' alert is disabled in the O365.This rule will apply to ExchangePowerShell usage and from the cloud.
 9    -
10author: Nikita Khalimonenkov
11date: 2022/11/17
13    - attack.collection
14    - attack.t1114
16    service: threat_management
17    product: m365
19    selection:
20        eventSource: SecurityComplianceCenter
21        Payload|contains|all:
22            - 'New-ComplianceSearchAction'
23            - 'Export'
24            - 'pst'
25    condition: selection
27    - Exporting a PST can be done for legitimate purposes by legitimate sources, but due to the sensitive nature of PST content, it must be monitored.
28level: medium


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