QR Code with suspicious indicators
This rule flags messages with QR codes in attachments when there are three or fewer attachments. If no attachments are present, the rule captures a screenshot of the message for analysis. Additional triggers include: sender's name containing the recipient's SLD, recipient's email mentioned in the body, an empty message body, a suspicious subject, or undisclosed recipients.
Sublime rule (View on GitHub)
1name: "QR Code with suspicious indicators"
2description: |
3 This rule flags messages with QR codes in attachments when there are three or fewer attachments. If no attachments are present, the rule captures a screenshot of the message for analysis. Additional triggers include: sender's name containing the recipient's SLD, recipient's email mentioned in the body, an empty message body, a suspicious subject, or undisclosed recipients.
4type: "rule"
5severity: "high"
6source: |
7 type.inbound
8 and (
9 (
10 length(attachments) <= 3
11 or (
12 any(attachments, length(ml.logo_detect(.).brands) > 0)
13 and length(attachments) <= 10
14 )
15 )
16 and (
17 any(attachments,
18 (.file_type in $file_types_images or .file_extension in $file_extensions_macros or .file_type == "pdf")
19 and any(file.explode(.),
20 .scan.qr.type is not null
21 and regex.contains(.scan.qr.data, '\.')
22 // not a json string
23 and not (
24 strings.starts_with(.scan.qr.data, '{')
25 and strings.ends_with(.scan.qr.data, '}')
26 )
27 // exclude images taken with mobile cameras and screenshots from android
28 and not any(.scan.exiftool.fields,
29 .key == "Model"
30 or (
31 .key == "Software"
32 and strings.starts_with(.value, "Android")
33 )
34 )
35 // exclude images taken with mobile cameras and screenshots from Apple
36 and not any(.scan.exiftool.fields,
37 .key == "DeviceManufacturer"
38 and .value == "Apple Computer Inc."
39 )
40 // exclude images from WhatsApp (mobile)
41 and not regex.match(.file_name, 'WhatsApp Image \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d at.*.jpe?g')
42 and not (
43 .scan.exiftool.image_height > 3000
44 or .scan.exiftool.image_width > 3000
45 )
46 // exclude contact cards
47 and not strings.istarts_with(.scan.qr.data, "BEGIN:VCARD")
48 )
49 )
50 or (
51 length(attachments) == 0
52 and any(file.explode(beta.message_screenshot()),
53 .scan.exiftool.image_height < 2000
54 and .scan.exiftool.image_width < 2000
55 and .scan.qr.type is not null
56 and regex.contains(.scan.qr.data, '\.')
57 // exclude contact cards
58 and not strings.istarts_with(.scan.qr.data, "BEGIN:VCARD")
59 )
60 )
61 )
62 and (
63 any(recipients.to,
64 strings.icontains(sender.display_name, .email.domain.sld)
65 )
66 or length(body.current_thread.text) is null
67 or (
68 body.current_thread.text == ""
69 and (
70 (
71 (
72 length(headers.references) > 0
73 or headers.in_reply_to is null
74 )
75 and not (
76 (
77 strings.istarts_with(subject.subject, "RE:")
78 or strings.istarts_with(subject.subject, "RES:")
79 or strings.istarts_with(subject.subject, "R:")
80 or strings.istarts_with(subject.subject, "ODG:")
81 or strings.istarts_with(subject.subject, "答复:")
82 or strings.istarts_with(subject.subject, "AW:")
83 or strings.istarts_with(subject.subject, "TR:")
84 or strings.istarts_with(subject.subject, "FWD:")
85 or regex.imatch(subject.subject,
86 '(\[[^\]]+\]\s?){0,3}(re|fwd?|automat.*)\s?:.*'
87 )
88 )
89 )
90 )
91 or length(headers.references) == 0
92 )
93 )
94 or regex.contains(subject.subject,
95 "(Authenticat(e|or|ion)|2fa|Multi.Factor|(qr|bar).code|action.require|alert|Att(n|ention):)"
96 )
97 or (any(recipients.to, strings.icontains(subject.subject, .display_name)))
98 or (
99 regex.icontains(subject.subject,
100 "termination.*notice",
101 "38417",
102 ":completed",
103 "[il1]{2}mit.*ma[il1]{2} ?bo?x",
104 "[il][il][il]egai[ -]",
105 "[li][li][li]ega[li] attempt",
106 "[ng]-?[io]n .*block",
107 "[ng]-?[io]n .*cancel",
108 "[ng]-?[io]n .*deactiv",
109 "[ng]-?[io]n .*disabl",
110 "action.*required",
111 "abandon.*package",
112 "about.your.account",
113 "acc(ou)?n?t (is )?on ho[li]d",
114 "acc(ou)?n?t.*terminat",
115 "acc(oun)?t.*[il1]{2}mitation",
116 "access.*limitation",
117 "account (will be )?block",
118 "account.*de-?activat",
119 "account.*locked",
120 "account.*re-verification",
121 "account.*security",
122 "account.*suspension",
123 "account.has.been",
124 "account.has.expired",
125 "account.will.be.blocked",
126 "account v[il]o[li]at",
127 "activity.*acc(oun)?t",
128 "almost.full",
129 "app[li]e.[il]d",
130 "authenticate.*account",
131 "been.*suspend",
132 "clos.*of.*account.*processed",
133 "confirm.your.account",
134 "courier.*able",
135 "crediential.*notif",
136 "deactivation.*in.*progress",
137 "delivery.*attempt.*failed",
138 "document.received",
139 "documented.*shared.*with.*you",
140 "dropbox.*document",
141 "e-?ma[il1]+ .{010}suspen",
142 "e-?ma[il1]{1} user",
143 "e-?ma[il1]{2} acc",
144 "e-?ma[il1]{2}.*up.?grade",
145 "e.?ma[il1]{2}.*server",
146 "e.?ma[il1]{2}.*suspend",
147 "email.update",
148 "faxed you",
149 "fraud(ulent)?.*charge",
150 "from.helpdesk",
151 "fu[il1]{2}.*ma[il1]+[ -]?box",
152 "has.been.*suspended",
153 "has.been.limited",
154 "have.locked",
155 "he[li]p ?desk upgrade",
156 "heipdesk",
157 "i[il]iega[il]",
158 "ii[il]ega[il]",
159 "incoming e?mail",
160 "incoming.*fax",
161 "lock.*security",
162 "ma[il1]{1}[ -]?box.*quo",
163 "ma[il1]{2}[ -]?box.*fu[il1]",
164 "ma[il1]{2}box.*[il1]{2}mit",
165 "ma[il1]{2}box stor",
166 "mail on.?hold",
167 "mail.*box.*migration",
168 "mail.*de-?activat",
169 "mail.update.required",
170 "mails.*pending",
171 "messages.*pending",
172 "missed.*shipping.*notification",
173 "missed.shipment.notification",
174 "must.update.your.account",
175 "new [sl][io]g?[nig][ -]?in from",
176 "new voice ?-?mail",
177 "notifications.*pending",
178 "office.*3.*6.*5.*suspend",
179 "office365",
180 "on google docs with you",
181 "online doc",
182 "password.*compromised",
183 "periodic maintenance",
184 "potential(ly)? unauthorized",
185 "refund not approved",
186 "report",
187 "revised.*policy",
188 "scam",
189 "scanned.?invoice",
190 "secured?.update",
191 "security breach",
192 "securlty",
193 "seguranca",
194 "signed.*delivery",
195 "status of your .{314}? ?delivery",
196 "susp[il1]+c[il1]+ous.*act[il1]+v[il1]+ty",
197 "suspicious.*sign.*[io]n",
198 "suspicious.activit",
199 "temporar(il)?y deactivate",
200 "temporar[il1]{2}y disab[li]ed",
201 "temporarily.*lock",
202 "un-?usua[li].activity",
203 "unable.*deliver",
204 "unauthorized.*activit",
205 "unauthorized.device",
206 "undelivered message",
207 "unread.*doc",
208 "unusual.activity",
209 "upgrade.*account",
210 "upgrade.notice",
211 "urgent message",
212 "urgent.verification",
213 "v[il1]o[li1]at[il1]on security",
214 "va[il1]{1}date.*ma[il1]{2}[ -]?box",
215 "verification ?-?require",
216 "verification( )?-?need",
217 "verify.your?.account",
218 "web ?-?ma[il1]{2}",
219 "web[ -]?ma[il1]{2}",
220 "will.be.suspended",
221 "your (customer )?account .as",
222 "your.office.365",
223 "your.online.access"
224 )
225 or any($suspicious_subjects, strings.icontains(subject.subject, .))
226 or regex.icontains(sender.display_name,
227 "Admin",
228 "Administrator",
229 "Alert",
230 "Assistant",
231 "Billing",
232 "Benefits",
233 "Bonus",
234 "CEO",
235 "CFO",
236 "CIO",
237 "CTO",
238 "Chairman",
239 "Claim",
240 "Confirm",
241 "Critical",
242 "Customer Service",
243 "Deal",
244 "Discount",
245 "Director",
246 "Exclusive",
247 "Executive",
248 "Fax",
249 "Free",
250 "Gift",
251 "/bHR/b",
252 "Helpdesk",
253 "Human Resources",
254 "Immediate",
255 "Important",
256 "Info",
257 "Information",
258 "Invoice",
259 '\bIT\b',
260 "Legal",
261 "Lottery",
262 "Management",
263 "Manager",
264 "Member Services",
265 "Notification",
266 "Offer",
267 "Operations",
268 "Order",
269 "Partner",
270 "Payment",
271 "Payroll",
272 "President",
273 "Premium",
274 "Prize",
275 "Receipt",
276 "Refund",
277 "Registrar",
278 "Required",
279 "Reward",
280 "Sales",
281 "Secretary",
282 "Security",
283 "Service",
284 "Signature",
285 "Storage",
286 "Support",
287 "Sweepstakes",
288 "System",
289 "Tax",
290 "Tech Support",
291 "Update",
292 "Upgrade",
293 "Urgent",
294 "Validate",
295 "Verify",
296 "VIP",
297 "Webmaster",
298 "Winner",
299 )
300 )
301 or (
302 (
303 length(recipients.to) == 0
304 or all(recipients.to, .display_name == "Undisclosed recipients")
305 )
306 and length(recipients.cc) == 0
307 and length(recipients.bcc) == 0
308 )
309 or any(file.explode(beta.message_screenshot()),
310 (
311 .scan.qr.url.domain.tld in $suspicious_tlds
312 and .scan.qr.url.domain.root_domain != "app.link"
313 )
314 or
315 // linkanalysis phishing disposition
316 any([ml.link_analysis(.scan.qr.url)],
317 .credphish.disposition == "phishing"
318 )
319 )
320 or any(attachments,
321 (.file_type in $file_types_images or .file_extension in $file_extensions_macros or .file_type == "pdf")
322 and any(file.explode(.),
323 (
324 .scan.qr.url.domain.tld in $suspicious_tlds
325 and .scan.qr.url.domain.root_domain != "app.link"
326 and .scan.qr.url.domain.root_domain != "qr.link"
327 )
328 and .scan.qr.url.domain.root_domain not in $org_domains
329 )
330 )
331 or sender.email.domain.tld in $suspicious_tlds
332 )
333 )
335 // sender profile is new or outlier
336 and (
337 (
338 profile.by_sender().prevalence in ("new", "outlier")
339 and not profile.by_sender().solicited
340 )
341 or profile.by_sender().any_messages_malicious_or_spam
342 )
344 and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives
346 // negate highly trusted sender domains unless they fail DMARC authentication
347 and (
348 (
349 sender.email.domain.root_domain in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
350 and not headers.auth_summary.dmarc.pass
351 )
352 or sender.email.domain.root_domain not in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
353 )
356 - "Credential Phishing"
358 - "QR code"
359 - "Social engineering"
361 - "Content analysis"
362 - "Header analysis"
363 - "Computer Vision"
364 - "Natural Language Understanding"
365 - "QR code analysis"
366 - "Sender analysis"
367 - "URL analysis"
368id: "04f5c34f-6518-512d-916c-4c2c2827c6a9"