Credential Phishing: Fake Storage alerts (unsolicited)

This rule targets credential phishing attempts disguised as storage space alerts, activating for inbound emails with specific storage-related keywords and evaluating sender trustworthiness and history.

Sublime rule (View on GitHub)

  1name: "Credential Phishing: Fake Storage alerts (unsolicited)"
  2description: "This rule targets credential phishing attempts disguised as storage space alerts, activating for inbound emails with specific storage-related keywords and evaluating sender trustworthiness and history."
  3type: "rule"
  4severity: "medium"
  5source: |
  6  type.inbound
  7  and (
  8    (
  9      0 < length(body.links) < 8
 10      and any([subject.subject, sender.display_name],
 11              regex.icontains(., "storage|mailbox")
 12      )
 13    )
 14    or (
 15      any(file.explode(beta.message_screenshot()),
 16          any(ml.nlu_classifier(.scan.ocr.raw).intents,
 17               .name == "cred_theft" and .confidence == "high"
 18          )
 19          and regex.icontains(.scan.ocr.raw,
 20                            "storage.{0,50}full",
 21                            "free.{0,50}upgrade",
 22                            "storage.{0,50}details",
 23                            "storage.{0,50}quot",
 24                            "email.{0,50}storage",
 25                            "total.{0,50}storage"
 26          )
 27          and not strings.ilike(.scan.ocr.raw, "*free plan*")
 28      )
 29    )
 30    or (
 31      any(body.links,
 32          // fingerprints of a hyperlinked image
 33          .display_text is null
 34          and .display_url.url is null
 35          and (
 36            .href_url.domain.root_domain in $free_file_hosts
 37            or .href_url.domain.root_domain == ""
 38          )
 39          and length(attachments) ==1
 40          and all(attachments,
 41                  .file_type in $file_types_images
 42                  and .size > 2000
 43                  and any(file.explode(.),
 44                          regex.icontains(.scan.ocr.raw,
 45                            "storage.{0,50}full",
 46                            "free.{0,50}upgrade",
 47                            "storage.{0,50}details",
 48                            "storage.{0,50}quot",
 49                            "email.{0,50}storage",
 50                            "total.{0,50}storage"
 51          )
 52                  )
 53          )
 54      )
 55    )
 56  )
 57  and (
 58    regex.icontains(subject.subject, '\bfull\b')
 59    or strings.icontains(subject.subject, "exceeded")
 60    or strings.icontains(subject.subject, "out of")
 61    or strings.icontains(subject.subject, "icloud")
 62    or strings.icontains(subject.subject, "limit")
 63    or strings.icontains(subject.subject, "all storage used")
 64    or strings.icontains(subject.subject, "compliance")
 65    or strings.icontains(subject.subject, "max storage")
 66    or strings.icontains(subject.subject, "storage space")
 67  )
 69  // negate legitimate sharepoint storage alerts
 70  and (
 71    (
 72 == ""
 73      and not headers.auth_summary.dmarc.pass
 74      and (
 75        not all(body.links,
 76                .href_url.domain.root_domain in~ (
 77                  "",
 78                  "",
 79                  ""
 80                )
 81        )
 82      )
 83    )
 84    or != ""
 85  )
 86  // negate highly trusted sender domains unless they fail DMARC authentication
 87  and (
 88    (
 89 in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
 90      and not headers.auth_summary.dmarc.pass
 91    )
 92    or not in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
 93  )
 94  and (
 95    not profile.by_sender().solicited
 96    or profile.by_sender().any_messages_malicious_or_spam
 97  )  
 99  - "Credential Phishing"
101  - "Social engineering"
103  - "Content analysis"
104  - "Sender analysis"
106id: "750f04d6-f68a-564c-9e41-c1e5a58df28f"