Brand impersonation: PayPal

Impersonation of PayPal.

Sublime rule (View on GitHub)

  1name: "Brand impersonation: PayPal"
  2description: |
  3    Impersonation of PayPal.
  5  - ""
  6type: "rule"
  7severity: "medium"
  8source: |
  9  type.inbound
 10  and (
 11    sender.display_name =~ "paypal"
 12    or strings.ilevenshtein(sender.display_name, 'paypal') <= 1
 13    or strings.ilike(, '*paypal*')
 14    or any(attachments,
 15           (.file_type in $file_types_images or .file_type == "pdf")
 16           and any(ml.logo_detect(.).brands, .name == "PayPal")
 17           and any(file.explode(.),
 18                  // exclude images taken with mobile cameras and screenshots from android
 19                   not any(.scan.exiftool.fields,
 20                           .key == "Model"
 21                           or (
 22                             .key == "Software"
 23                             and strings.starts_with(.value, "Android")
 24                           )
 25                   )
 26                   // exclude images taken with mobile cameras and screenshots from Apple
 27                   and not any(.scan.exiftool.fields,
 28                               .key == "DeviceManufacturer"
 29                               and .value == "Apple Computer Inc."
 30                   )
 31                   and strings.ilike(.scan.ocr.raw, "*PayPal*")
 32                   and strings.ilike(.scan.ocr.raw,
 33                                     "*invoice*",
 34                                     "*transaction*",
 35                                     "*bitcoin*",
 36                                     "*dear customer*",
 37                   )
 38           )
 39    )
 40  )
 41  and not in (
 42    '',
 43    '',
 44    '',
 45    '',
 46    '',
 47    '',
 48    '',
 49    '',
 50    '',
 51    '',
 52    '',
 53    '',
 54    '',
 55    '',
 56    '',
 57    '',
 58    '',
 59    '',
 60    '',
 61    '',
 62    '',
 63    '',
 64    '',
 65    '',
 66    '',
 67    '',
 68    '',
 69    '',
 70    ''
 71  )
 72  and (
 73    not profile.by_sender().solicited
 74    or (
 75      profile.by_sender().any_messages_malicious_or_spam
 76      and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives
 77    )
 78  )
 80  // negate highly trusted sender domains unless they fail DMARC authentication
 81  and (
 82    (
 83 in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
 84      and not headers.auth_summary.dmarc.pass
 85    )
 86    or not in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
 87  )  
 90  - "Credential Phishing"
 92  - "Impersonation: Brand"
 93  - "Lookalike domain"
 94  - "Social engineering"
 96  - "Computer Vision"
 97  - "Content analysis"
 98  - "File analysis"
 99  - "Header analysis"
100  - "Sender analysis"
101id: "a6b2ceee-ea57-594d-8437-698fad55c9bf"