Security Tools Keyword Lookup Via Findstr.EXE
Detects execution of "findstr" to search for common names of security tools. Attackers often pipe the results of recon commands such as "tasklist" or "whoami" to "findstr" in order to filter out the results. This detection focuses on the keywords that the attacker might use as a filter.
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Security Tools Keyword Lookup Via Findstr.EXE
2id: 4fe074b4-b833-4081-8f24-7dcfeca72b42
4 - id: fe63010f-8823-4864-a96b-a7b4a0f7b929
5 type: derived
6status: experimental
7description: |
8 Detects execution of "findstr" to search for common names of security tools. Attackers often pipe the results of recon commands such as "tasklist" or "whoami" to "findstr" in order to filter out the results.
9 This detection focuses on the keywords that the attacker might use as a filter.
11 -
12 -
13 -
14author: Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems), frack113
15date: 2023-10-20
16modified: 2023-11-14
18 - attack.discovery
19 - attack.t1518.001
21 category: process_creation
22 product: windows
24 selection_img:
25 - Image|endswith:
26 - '\find.exe'
27 - '\findstr.exe'
28 - OriginalFileName:
29 - 'FIND.EXE'
31 selection_cli:
32 CommandLine|endswith:
33 # Note: Add additional keywords to increase and enhance coverage
34 # Note:
35 # We use the double quote variation because in cases of where the command is executed through cmd for example:
36 # cmd /c "tasklist | findstr virus"
37 # Logging utilties such as Sysmon would capture the end quote as part of findstr execution
38 - ' avira'
39 - ' avira"'
40 - ' cb'
41 - ' cb"'
42 - ' cylance'
43 - ' cylance"'
44 - ' defender'
45 - ' defender"'
46 - ' kaspersky'
47 - ' kaspersky"'
48 - ' kes'
49 - ' kes"'
50 - ' mc'
51 - ' mc"'
52 - ' sec'
53 - ' sec"'
54 - ' sentinel'
55 - ' sentinel"'
56 - ' symantec'
57 - ' symantec"'
58 - ' virus'
59 - ' virus"'
60 condition: all of selection_*
62 - Unknown
63level: medium
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- System Integrity Protection (SIP) Disabled
- System Integrity Protection (SIP) Enumeration