Meterpreter or Cobalt Strike Getsystem Service Installation - Security
Detects the use of getsystem Meterpreter/Cobalt Strike command by detecting a specific service installation
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Meterpreter or Cobalt Strike Getsystem Service Installation - Security
2id: ecbc5e16-58e0-4521-9c60-eb9a7ea4ad34
4 - id: 843544a7-56e0-4dcc-a44f-5cc266dd97d6
5 type: derived
6status: test
7description: Detects the use of getsystem Meterpreter/Cobalt Strike command by detecting a specific service installation
9 -
10 -
11author: Teymur Kheirkhabarov, Ecco, Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)
12date: 2019-10-26
13modified: 2023-11-15
15 - attack.privilege-escalation
16 - attack.t1134.001
17 - attack.t1134.002
19 product: windows
20 service: security
21 definition: The 'System Security Extension' audit subcategory need to be enabled to log the EID 4697
23 selection_eid:
24 EventID: 4697
25 selection_cli_cmd:
26 # meterpreter getsystem technique 1: cmd.exe /c echo 559891bb017 > \\.\pipe\5e120a
27 # cobaltstrike getsystem technique 1: %COMSPEC% /c echo 559891bb017 > \\.\pipe\5e120a
28 # cobaltstrike getsystem technique 1b (expanded %COMSPEC%): %COMSPEC% /c echo 559891bb017 > \\.\pipe\5e120a
29 ServiceFileName|contains|all:
30 - '/c'
31 - 'echo'
32 - '\pipe\'
33 ServiceFileName|contains:
34 - 'cmd'
35 - '%COMSPEC%'
36 selection_cli_rundll:
37 # meterpreter getsystem technique 2: rundll32.exe C:\Users\test\AppData\Local\Temp\tmexsn.dll,a /p:tmexsn
38 ServiceFileName|contains|all:
39 - 'rundll32'
40 - '.dll,a'
41 - '/p:'
42 selection_cli_share:
43 ServiceFileName|startswith: '\\\\\\ADMIN$\' #
44 condition: selection_eid and 1 of selection_cli_*
46 - Unlikely
47level: high
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- Potential Meterpreter/CobaltStrike Activity
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