Powershell MS Defender Tampering - ScriptBlockLogging

Detects powershell scripts attempting to disable MS Defender components using Set-MpPreference as performed by Vice Society ransomware gang. This includes additional techniques to evade existing rules by feeding in a proxy value of $true using a powershell boolean expression like (0 -eq $false).

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

 1title: Powershell MS Defender Tampering - ScriptBlockLogging
 2id: 9e50b0e6-464b-4eb3-858c-690d2d51e812
 4    - id: 14c71865-6cd3-44ae-adaa-1db923fae5f2
 5      type: derived
 6status: experimental
 7description: Detects powershell scripts attempting to disable MS Defender components using Set-MpPreference as performed by Vice Society ransomware gang. This includes additional techniques to evade existing rules by feeding in a proxy value of $true using a powershell boolean expression like (0 -eq $false).
 9    - https://www.educba.com/powershell-boolean/
10    - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/defender/set-mppreference?view=windowsserver2022-ps
11    - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2022/10/25/dev-0832-vice-society-opportunistic-ransomware-campaigns-impacting-us-education-sector/
12author: Micah Babinski
13date: 2022/11/26
15    - attack.defense_evasion
16    - attack.t1562
17    - attack.t1562.001
19    product: windows
20    category: ps_script
21    definition: Script block logging must be enabled
23    selection_options_disabling_preference:
24        ScriptBlockText|contains|all:
25            - 'Set-MpPreference'
26            - '-DisableRealtimeMonitoring'
27    filter:
28        # the regex below will match on the typical ways by which people enable realtime monitoring
29        ScriptBlockText|re: '.*Set-MpPreference.*Disable.*\s(\$false|0).*'
30    condition: selection_options_disabling_preference and not filter
32    - Legitimate PowerShell scripts which need to disable MS Defender.
33level: high```


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