Potential CommandLine Obfuscation Using Unicode Characters From Suspicious Image

Detects potential commandline obfuscation using unicode characters. Adversaries may attempt to make an executable or file difficult to discover or analyze by encrypting, encoding, or otherwise obfuscating its contents on the system or in transit.

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

 1title: Potential CommandLine Obfuscation Using Unicode Characters From Suspicious Image
 2id: 584bca0f-3608-4402-80fd-4075ff6072e3
 4    - id: e0552b19-5a83-4222-b141-b36184bb8d79
 5      type: similar
 6    - id: ad691d92-15f2-4181-9aa4-723c74f9ddc3 # RTLO
 7      type: similar
 8    - id: 2c0d2d7b-30d6-4d14-9751-7b9113042ab9
 9      type: obsolete
10status: test
11description: |
12    Detects potential commandline obfuscation using unicode characters.
13    Adversaries may attempt to make an executable or file difficult to discover or analyze by encrypting, encoding, or otherwise obfuscating its contents on the system or in transit.    
15    - https://www.wietzebeukema.nl/blog/windows-command-line-obfuscation
16    - https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/blob/f339e7da7d05f6057fdfcdd3742bfcf365fee2a9/atomics/T1027/T1027.md#atomic-test-6---dlp-evasion-via-sensitive-data-in-vba-macro-over-http
17author: frack113, Florian Roth (Nextron Systems), Josh Nickels
18date: 2024-09-02
19modified: 2024-09-05
21    - attack.defense-evasion
22    - attack.t1027
24    category: process_creation
25    product: windows
27    selection_img:
28        Image|endswith:
29            - '\cmd.exe'
30            - '\cscript.exe'
31            - '\powershell.exe'
32            - '\pwsh.exe'
33            - '\wscript.exe'
34        OriginalFileName:
35            - 'Cmd.EXE'
36            - 'cscript.exe'
37            - 'PowerShell.EXE'
38            - 'pwsh.dll'
39            - 'wscript.exe'
40    selection_special_chars:
41        CommandLine|contains:
42            # spacing modifier letters that get auto-replaced
43            - 'ˣ' # 0x02E3
44            - '˪' # 0x02EA
45            - 'ˢ' # 0x02E2
46            # Forward slash alternatives
47            - '∕' # 0x22FF
48            - '⁄' # 0x206F
49            # Hyphen alternatives
50            - '―' # 0x2015
51            - '—' # 0x2014
52            # Whitespace that don't work as path separator
53            - ' ' # 0x00A0
54            # Other
55            - '¯'
56            - '®'
57            - '¶'
58    condition: all of selection_*
60    - Unknown
61level: high


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