Potential Persistence Via Microsoft Office Startup Folder

Detects creation of Microsoft Office files inside of one of the default startup folders in order to achieve persistence.

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

 1title: Potential Persistence Via Microsoft Office Startup Folder
 2id: 0e20c89d-2264-44ae-8238-aeeaba609ece
 3status: test
 4description: Detects creation of Microsoft Office files inside of one of the default startup folders in order to achieve persistence.
 6    - https://insight-jp.nttsecurity.com/post/102hojk/operation-restylink-apt-campaign-targeting-japanese-companies
 7    - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/excel/use-startup-folders
 8author: Max Altgelt (Nextron Systems), Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
 9date: 2022/06/02
10modified: 2023/06/22
12    - attack.persistence
13    - attack.t1137
15    category: file_event
16    product: windows
18    selection_word_paths:
19        - TargetFilename|contains: '\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP'
20        - TargetFilename|contains|all:
21              - '\Office'
22              - '\Program Files'
23              - '\STARTUP'
24    selection_word_extension:
25        TargetFilename|endswith:
26            - '.doc'
27            - '.docm'
28            - '.docx'
29            - '.dot'
30            - '.dotm'
31            - '.rtf'
32    selection_excel_paths:
33        - TargetFilename|contains: '\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART'
34        - TargetFilename|contains|all:
35              - '\Office'
36              - '\Program Files'
37              - '\XLSTART'
38    selection_excel_extension:
39        TargetFilename|endswith:
40            - '.xls'
41            - '.xlsm'
42            - '.xlsx'
43            - '.xlt'
44            - '.xltm'
45    filter_main_office:
46        Image|endswith:
47            - '\WINWORD.exe'
48            - '\EXCEL.exe'
49    condition: (all of selection_word_* or all of selection_excel_*) and not filter_main_office
51    - Loading a user environment from a backup or a domain controller
52    - Synchronization of templates
53level: high


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