Potentially Suspicious DMP/HDMP File Creation

Detects the creation of a file with the ".dmp"/".hdmp" extension by a shell or scripting application such as "cmd", "powershell", etc. Often created by software during a crash. Memory dumps can sometimes contain sensitive information such as credentials. It's best to determine the source of the crash.

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

 1title: Potentially Suspicious DMP/HDMP File Creation
 2id: aba15bdd-657f-422a-bab3-ac2d2a0d6f1c
 4    - id: 3a525307-d100-48ae-b3b9-0964699d7f97
 5      type: similar
 6status: experimental
 7description: Detects the creation of a file with the ".dmp"/".hdmp" extension by a shell or scripting application such as "cmd", "powershell", etc. Often created by software during a crash. Memory dumps can sometimes contain sensitive information such as credentials. It's best to determine the source of the crash.
 9    - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wer/collecting-user-mode-dumps
10author: Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
11date: 2023/09/07
13    - attack.defense_evasion
15    category: file_event
16    product: windows
18    selection:
19        Image|endswith:
20            - '\cmd.exe'
21            - '\cscript.exe'
22            - '\mshta.exe'
23            - '\powershell.exe'
24            - '\pwsh.exe'
25            - '\wscript.exe'
26        TargetFilename|endswith:
27            - '.dmp'
28            - '.dump'
29            - '.hdmp'
30    condition: selection
32    - Some administrative PowerShell or VB scripts might have the ability to collect dumps and move them to other folders which might trigger a false positive.
33level: medium


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