Attachment: PDF with suspicious language and redirect to suspicious file type

Attached PDF contains credential theft language, and links to an open redirect to a suspicious file type. This has been observed in-the-wild as a Qakbot technique.

Sublime rule (View on GitHub)

 1name: "Attachment: PDF with suspicious language and redirect to suspicious file type"
 2description: |
 3    Attached PDF contains credential theft language, and links to an open redirect to a suspicious file type. This has been observed in-the-wild as a Qakbot technique.
 5  - ""
 6type: "rule"
 7severity: "high"
 8source: |
 9  type.inbound
10  and any(attachments,
11          .file_type == "pdf"
12          and any(file.explode(.),
13                  length(.scan.url.urls) > 0
14                  and any(ml.nlu_classifier(.scan.ocr.raw).intents,
15                      .name == "cred_theft" and .confidence in~ ("medium", "high")
16                  )
17                  and any(.scan.url.urls,
18                          strings.icontains(ml.link_analysis(.).final_dom.display_text,
19                                            "Redirect Notice"
20                          )
21                          and (
22                            strings.contains(ml.link_analysis(.).final_dom.display_text, ".zip")
23                            or strings.contains(ml.link_analysis(.).final_dom.display_text, ".php")
24                          )
25                  )
26          )
27  )  
29  - "Malfam: QakBot"
31  - "Malware/Ransomware"
32  - "Credential Phishing"
34  - "Evasion"
35  - "PDF"
37  - "File analysis"
38  - "Natural Language Understanding"
39  - "Optical Character Recognition"
40  - "URL analysis"
41id: "adda3c3f-8966-5f46-9924-234bbaee0a2c"

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