Potential Windows Defender Tampering Via Wmic.EXE
Detects potential tampering with Windows Defender settings such as adding exclusion using wmic
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Potential Windows Defender Tampering Via Wmic.EXE
2id: 51cbac1e-eee3-4a90-b1b7-358efb81fa0a
3status: test
4description: Detects potential tampering with Windows Defender settings such as adding exclusion using wmic
6 - https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/blob/5c1e6f1b4fafd01c8d1ece85f510160fc1275fbf/atomics/T1562.001/T1562.001.md
7 - https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/gootkit-malware-bypasses-windows-defender-by-setting-path-exclusions/
8 - https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/iobit-forums-hacked-to-spread-ransomware-to-its-members/
9author: frack113
10date: 2022-12-11
11modified: 2023-02-14
13 - attack.credential-access
14 - attack.t1546.008
16 product: windows
17 category: process_creation
19 selection_img:
20 - OriginalFileName: 'wmic.exe'
21 - Image|endswith: '\WMIC.exe'
22 selection_cli:
23 CommandLine|contains: '/Namespace:\\\\root\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Defender'
24 condition: all of selection_*
26 - Unknown
27level: high
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