Uncommon Userinit Child Process
Detects uncommon "userinit.exe" child processes, which could be a sign of uncommon shells or login scripts used for persistence.
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Uncommon Userinit Child Process
2id: 0a98a10c-685d-4ab0-bddc-b6bdd1d48458
4 - id: 21d856f9-9281-4ded-9377-51a1a6e2a432
5 type: similar
6status: test
7description: Detects uncommon "userinit.exe" child processes, which could be a sign of uncommon shells or login scripts used for persistence.
9 - https://cocomelonc.github.io/persistence/2022/12/09/malware-pers-20.html
10 - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/server-core/server-core-sconfig#powershell-is-the-default-shell-on-server-core
11author: Tom Ueltschi (@c_APT_ure), Tim Shelton
12date: 2019-01-12
13modified: 2023-11-14
15 - attack.t1037.001
16 - attack.persistence
18 category: process_creation
19 product: windows
21 selection:
22 ParentImage|endswith: '\userinit.exe'
23 filter_main_explorer:
24 Image|endswith: ':\WINDOWS\explorer.exe'
25 filter_optional_logonscripts:
26 CommandLine|contains:
27 - 'netlogon.bat'
28 - 'UsrLogon.cmd'
29 filter_optional_windows_core:
30 # Note: This filter is mandatory on Windows Core machines as the default shell spawned by "userinit" is "powershell.exe".
31 # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/server-core/server-core-sconfig#powershell-is-the-default-shell-on-server-core
32 CommandLine: 'PowerShell.exe'
33 filter_optional_proquota:
34 Image|endswith:
35 - ':\Windows\System32\proquota.exe'
36 - ':\Windows\SysWOW64\proquota.exe'
37 filter_optional_citrix:
38 Image|endswith:
39 # As reported by https://github.com/SigmaHQ/sigma/issues/4569
40 - ':\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\HDX\bin\cmstart.exe' # https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX983798/purpose-of-cmstart-command
41 - ':\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\HDX\bin\icast.exe' # https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX983798/purpose-of-cmstart-command
42 - ':\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\System32\icast.exe'
43 - ':\Program Files\Citrix\HDX\bin\cmstart.exe' # https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX983798/purpose-of-cmstart-command
44 - ':\Program Files\Citrix\HDX\bin\icast.exe' # https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX983798/purpose-of-cmstart-command
45 - ':\Program Files\Citrix\System32\icast.exe'
46 filter_optional_image_null:
47 Image: null
48 condition: selection and not 1 of filter_main_* and not 1 of filter_optional_*
50 - Legitimate logon scripts or custom shells may trigger false positives. Apply additional filters accordingly.
51level: high
Related rules
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- Potential Persistence Via Logon Scripts - Registry
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