Suspicious Copy From or To System Directory
Detects a suspicious copy operation that tries to copy a program from system (System32, SysWOW64, WinSxS) directories to another on disk. Often used to move LOLBINs such as 'certutil' or 'desktopimgdownldr' to a different location with a different name in order to bypass detections based on locations.
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Suspicious Copy From or To System Directory
2id: fff9d2b7-e11c-4a69-93d3-40ef66189767
4 - id: 855bc8b5-2ae8-402e-a9ed-b889e6df1900
5 type: derived
6status: test
7description: |
8 Detects a suspicious copy operation that tries to copy a program from system (System32, SysWOW64, WinSxS) directories to another on disk.
9 Often used to move LOLBINs such as 'certutil' or 'desktopimgdownldr' to a different location with a different name in order to bypass detections based on locations.
11 -
12 -
13 -
14author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems), Markus Neis, Tim Shelton (HAWK.IO), Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
15date: 2020-07-03
16modified: 2023-08-29
18 - attack.defense-evasion
19 - attack.t1036.003
21 category: process_creation
22 product: windows
24 selection_cmd:
25 Image|endswith: '\cmd.exe'
26 CommandLine|contains: 'copy '
27 selection_pwsh:
28 Image|endswith:
29 - '\powershell.exe'
30 - '\pwsh.exe'
31 CommandLine|contains:
32 - 'copy-item'
33 - ' copy '
34 - 'cpi '
35 - ' cp '
36 selection_other:
37 - Image|endswith:
38 - '\robocopy.exe'
39 - '\xcopy.exe'
40 - OriginalFileName:
41 - 'robocopy.exe'
42 - 'XCOPY.EXE'
43 target:
44 CommandLine|contains:
45 - '\System32'
46 - '\SysWOW64'
47 - '\WinSxS'
48 condition: 1 of selection_* and target
50 - Depend on scripts and administrative tools used in the monitored environment (For example an admin scripts like
51 - When cmd.exe and xcopy.exe are called directly # C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c copy file1 file2
52 - When the command contains the keywords but not in the correct order
53level: medium
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