Potential Defense Evasion Via Binary Rename
Detects the execution of a renamed binary often used by attackers or malware leveraging new Sysmon OriginalFileName datapoint.
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Potential Defense Evasion Via Binary Rename
2id: 36480ae1-a1cb-4eaa-a0d6-29801d7e9142
4 - id: 0ba1da6d-b6ce-4366-828c-18826c9de23e
5 type: similar
6status: test
7description: Detects the execution of a renamed binary often used by attackers or malware leveraging new Sysmon OriginalFileName datapoint.
9 - https://mgreen27.github.io/posts/2019/05/12/BinaryRename.html
10 - https://mgreen27.github.io/posts/2019/05/29/BinaryRename2.html
11 - https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/blob/0f229c0e42bfe7ca736a14023836d65baa941ed2/atomics/T1036.003/T1036.003.md#atomic-test-1---masquerading-as-windows-lsass-process
12author: Matthew Green @mgreen27, Ecco, James Pemberton @4A616D6573, oscd.community, Andreas Hunkeler (@Karneades)
13date: 2019-06-15
14modified: 2023-01-18
16 - attack.defense-evasion
17 - attack.t1036.003
19 category: process_creation
20 product: windows
22 selection:
23 OriginalFileName:
24 - 'Cmd.Exe'
26 - '7z.exe'
27 - 'WinRAR.exe'
28 - 'wevtutil.exe'
29 - 'net.exe'
30 - 'net1.exe'
31 - 'netsh.exe'
32 - 'InstallUtil.exe'
33 filter:
34 Image|endswith:
35 - '\cmd.exe'
36 - '\conhost.exe'
37 - '\7z.exe'
38 - '\WinRAR.exe'
39 - '\wevtutil.exe'
40 - '\net.exe'
41 - '\net1.exe'
42 - '\netsh.exe'
43 - '\InstallUtil.exe'
44 condition: selection and not filter
46 - Custom applications use renamed binaries adding slight change to binary name. Typically this is easy to spot and add to whitelist
47level: medium
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