Files Added To An Archive Using Rar.EXE
Detects usage of "rar" to add files to an archive for potential compression. An adversary may compress data (e.g. sensitive documents) that is collected prior to exfiltration in order to make it portable and minimize the amount of data sent over the network.
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Files Added To An Archive Using Rar.EXE
2id: 6f3e2987-db24-4c78-a860-b4f4095a7095
3status: test
4description: Detects usage of "rar" to add files to an archive for potential compression. An adversary may compress data (e.g. sensitive documents) that is collected prior to exfiltration in order to make it portable and minimize the amount of data sent over the network.
6 -
7 -
8author: Timur Zinniatullin, E.M. Anhaus,
9date: 2019-10-21
10modified: 2023-02-05
12 - attack.collection
13 - attack.t1560.001
15 category: process_creation
16 product: windows
18 selection:
19 Image|endswith: '\rar.exe'
20 CommandLine|contains: ' a '
21 condition: selection
23 - Highly likely if rar is a default archiver in the monitored environment.
24level: low
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