Suspicious Manipulation Of Default Accounts Via Net.EXE
Detects suspicious manipulations of default accounts such as 'administrator' and 'guest'. For example 'enable' or 'disable' accounts or change the password...etc
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Suspicious Manipulation Of Default Accounts Via Net.EXE
2id: 5b768e71-86f2-4879-b448-81061cbae951
3status: test
4description: Detects suspicious manipulations of default accounts such as 'administrator' and 'guest'. For example 'enable' or 'disable' accounts or change the password...etc
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9author: Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
10date: 2022-09-01
11modified: 2023-02-21
13 - attack.collection
14 - attack.t1560.001
16 category: process_creation
17 product: windows
19 selection_img:
20 - Image|endswith:
21 - '\net.exe'
22 - '\net1.exe'
23 - OriginalFileName:
24 - 'net.exe'
25 - 'net1.exe'
26 selection_user_option:
27 CommandLine|contains: ' user '
28 selection_username:
29 CommandLine|contains:
30 # Note: We need to write the full account name for cases starting with 'admin' to avoid lookups only with the user flag
31 - ' Järjestelmänvalvoja ' # Finish
32 - ' Rendszergazda ' # Hungarian
33 - ' Администратор ' # Russian
34 - ' Administrateur ' # French
35 - ' Administrador ' # Portuguese (Brazil + Portugal) + Spanish
36 - ' Administratör ' # Swedish
37 - ' Administrator ' # English
38 - ' guest '
39 - ' DefaultAccount '
40 # The cases below are for when an attacker requests the net command via 'cmd /c....'
41 # First in double quotes
42 - ' "Järjestelmänvalvoja" ' # Finish
43 - ' "Rendszergazda" ' # Hungarian
44 - ' "Администратор" ' # Russian
45 - ' "Administrateur" ' # French
46 - ' "Administrador" ' # Portuguese (Brazil + Portugal) + Spanish
47 - ' "Administratör" ' # Swedish
48 - ' "Administrator" ' # English
49 - ' "guest" '
50 - ' "DefaultAccount" '
51 # Second in single quotes
52 - " 'Järjestelmänvalvoja' " # Finish
53 - " 'Rendszergazda' " # Hungarian
54 - " 'Администратор' " # Russian
55 - " 'Administrateur' " # French
56 - " 'Administrador' " # Portuguese (Brazil + Portugal) + Spanish
57 - " 'Administratör' " # Swedish
58 - " 'Administrator' " # English
59 - " 'guest' "
60 - " 'DefaultAccount' "
61 filter:
62 CommandLine|contains|all:
63 - 'guest'
64 - '/active no'
65 condition: all of selection_* and not filter
67 - Some false positives could occur with the admin or guest account. It depends on the scripts being used by the admins in your env. If you experience a lot of FP you could reduce the level to medium
68level: high
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