Link: SharePoint files shared from GoDaddy federated tenants

This matches on inbound Shared File notiifcation emails from Microsoft, where any link to SharePoint contains a default GoDaddy Federated Tenant Name. These have been observed being frequently abused to send credential phishing campaigns.

Sublime rule (View on GitHub)

 1name: "Link: SharePoint files shared from GoDaddy federated tenants"
 2description: "This matches on inbound Shared File notiifcation emails from Microsoft, where any link to SharePoint contains a default GoDaddy Federated Tenant Name. These have been observed being frequently abused to send credential phishing campaigns."
 3type: "rule"
 4severity: "low"
 5source: |
 6  type.inbound
 7  // Matches the message id observed. DKIM/SPF domains can be custom and therefore are unpredictable.
 8  and strings.starts_with(headers.message_id, '<Share-')
 9  and strings.ends_with(headers.message_id, '@odspnotify>')
11  // subject matches the default "shared <filename> with you" format
12  and strings.ends_with(subject.subject, ' with you')
14  // any of the links are the default netorgft name from GoDaddy
15  and any(body.links,
16          // Default GoDaddy tenant names
17          strings.starts_with(.href_url.domain.subdomain, 'netorg')
18          and .href_url.domain.root_domain == ""
19  )
21  // and sender has never had email sent to them
22  and not profile.by_sender().solicited
24  // and there haven't been any FPs reported for the sender
25  and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives  
27 - "Attack surface reduction"
29  - "Credential Phishing"
31  - "Evasion"
33  - "Sender analysis"
34  - "URL analysis"
35id: "0e26cdd2-cf19-53ed-8b30-b3e2e7ea912f"

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