Low reputation link to auto-downloaded HTML file with smuggling indicators

Message contains a low reputation link to an automatically downloaded HTML file that contains HTML smuggling indicators, such as atob function use, excessive hexadecimal (0x) usage, etc.

Sublime rule (View on GitHub)

  1name: "Low reputation link to auto-downloaded HTML file with smuggling indicators"
  2description: "Message contains a low reputation link to an automatically downloaded HTML file that contains HTML smuggling indicators, such as atob function use, excessive hexadecimal (0x) usage, etc."
  3type: "rule"
  4severity: "high"
  5source: |
  6  type.inbound
  7  and any(body.links,
  8           (
  9             .href_url.domain.root_domain not in $tranco_1m
 10             or .href_url.domain.domain in $free_file_hosts
 11             or .href_url.domain.root_domain in $free_file_hosts
 12             or .href_url.domain.root_domain in $free_subdomain_hosts
 13             or .href_url.domain.domain in $url_shorteners
 14             or 
 16             // mass mailer link, masks the actual URL
 17             .href_url.domain.root_domain in (
 18               "hubspotlinks.com",
 19               "mandrillapp.com",
 20               "sendgrid.net",
 21               "rs6.net"
 22             )
 24             // Google AMP redirect
 25             or (
 26               .href_url.domain.sld == "google"
 27               and strings.starts_with(.href_url.path, "/amp/")
 28             )
 29           )
 31           // exclude sources of potential FPs
 32           and (
 33             .href_url.domain.root_domain not in (
 34               "svc.ms",
 35               "sharepoint.com",
 36               "1drv.ms",
 37               "microsoft.com",
 38               "aka.ms",
 39               "msftauthimages.net",
 40               "mimecastprotect.com",
 41               "office.com"
 42             )
 43             or any(body.links, .href_url.domain.domain in $free_file_hosts)
 44           )
 45           and .href_url.domain.root_domain not in $org_domains
 46           and .href_url.domain.valid 
 47   )
 48  and any(body.links,
 49          any(ml.link_analysis(.).files_downloaded,
 50              any(file.explode(.),
 51                  .scan.entropy.entropy >= 5
 52                  and (
 53                    length(filter(.scan.javascript.identifiers,
 54                                  strings.like(.,
 55                                               "document",
 56                                               "write",
 57                                               "atob",
 58                                               "onload"
 59                                  )
 60                           )
 61                    ) > 2
 62                    // usage: document['write'](atob)
 63                    or any(.scan.strings.strings,
 64                           regex.icontains(., "document.{0,10}write.{0,10}atob")
 65                    )
 66                    or any(.scan.strings.strings, strings.icount(., "_0x") > 50)
 67                    // usage: some_var = atob();
 68                    or any(.scan.strings.strings,
 69                           regex.icontains(., "=.?atob.*;")
 70                    )
 71                    // usage: atob(atob
 72                    or any(.scan.strings.strings, strings.ilike(., "*atob?atob*"))
 73                    // usage: eval(atob)
 74                    or any(.scan.strings.strings, strings.ilike(., "*eval?atob*"))
 75                    // usage: atob(_0x)
 76                    or any(.scan.strings.strings, strings.ilike(., "*atob(?0x*"))
 77                    // usage: obfuscating "atob"
 78                    or any(.scan.javascript.identifiers,
 79                           strings.ilike(., '*ato\u0062*')
 80                    )
 81                    // usage: document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", atob(...
 82                    or any(.scan.strings.strings,
 83                           strings.ilike(., "*document*insertAdjacentHTML*atob*")
 84                    )
 85                  )
 86              )
 87          )
 88  )
 89  and (
 90    not profile.by_sender().solicited
 91    or (
 92      profile.by_sender().any_messages_malicious_or_spam
 93      and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives
 94    )
 95  )  
 98  - "Credential Phishing"
100  - "Evasion"
101  - "Free file host"
102  - "Free subdomain host"
103  - "HTML smuggling"
104  - "Impersonation: Brand"
105  - "Open redirect"
106  - "Social engineering"
108  - "Content analysis"
109  - "File analysis"
110  - "HTML analysis"
111  - "Javascript analysis"
112  - "Sender analysis"
113  - "URL analysis"
114id: "339676c6-cdac-5929-aa02-c44a346e5ef1"