Display name and subject impersonation using recipient SLD (new sender)

The recipient domain's SLD is used in the sender's display name and in the subject to impersonate the organization.

Sublime rule (View on GitHub)

 1name: "Display name and subject impersonation using recipient SLD (new sender)"
 2description: |
 3  The recipient domain's SLD is used in the sender's display name
 4  and in the subject to impersonate the organization.   
 5type: "rule"
 6severity: "medium"
 7source: |
 8  type.inbound
 9  and (
10    // recipient SLD is being impersonated in the subject + display name
11    (
12      // these are usually targeted with just 1 recipient,
13      // but sometimes they CC themselves or have a blank CC
14      (
15        length(recipients.to) + length(recipients.cc) + length(recipients.bcc) <= 2
16      )
17      and any(recipients.to,
18              length(.email.domain.sld) >= 4
19              // ensure that we're checking the org SLD
20              and .email.domain.sld in $org_slds
21              and strings.icontains(subject.subject, .email.domain.sld)
22              and strings.icontains(sender.display_name, .email.domain.sld)
23      )
24    )
25    or (
26      // accounts for BCC'd messages where the recipients are empty
27      // if BCC, sometimes the recipient will be the attacker's email
28      (
29        length(recipients.to) + length(recipients.cc) + length(recipients.bcc) <= 2
30      )
31      and length(mailbox.email.domain.sld) >= 4
32      and strings.icontains(subject.subject, mailbox.email.domain.sld)
33      and strings.icontains(sender.display_name, mailbox.email.domain.sld)
34    )
35  )
36  and (
37    // at least 1 link or non-image attachment
38    (
39      length(body.links) > 0
40      // these attacks all use compromosed senders, so we look for a domain
41      // that doesn't match the sender's domain to weed out legit messages
42      and any(body.links,
43              .href_url.domain.root_domain != sender.email.domain.root_domain
44      )
45    )
46    or length(filter(attachments, .file_type not in $file_types_images)) > 0
47  )
48  and not (
49    strings.contains(sender.display_name, "on behalf of")
50    and sender.email.domain.root_domain == "microsoftonline.com"
51  )
52  and all(recipients.to, .email.email != sender.email.email)
54  // negate org domain senders, which can often be misconfigured and fail
55  // authentication, causing them to be type.inbound instead of type.internal.
56  // this is fine because we should catch spoofs in other ways.
57  // also, we use root_domain here to account for subdomains used by internal tools that aren't connected to the tenant.
58  // this should also be safe because domains like onmicrosoft[.]com are tracked as FQDNs in $org_domains, so they won't match
59  and sender.email.domain.root_domain not in $org_domains
61  // negate highly trusted sender domains unless they fail DMARC authentication
62  and (
63    (
64      sender.email.domain.root_domain in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
65      and not headers.auth_summary.dmarc.pass
66    )
67    or sender.email.domain.root_domain not in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
68  )
69  and (
70    not profile.by_sender().solicited
71    or (
72      profile.by_sender().any_messages_malicious_or_spam
73      and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives
74    )
75  )
76  and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives  
79  - "Credential Phishing"
81  - "Social engineering"
83  - "Header analysis"
84  - "Sender analysis"
85id: "cb2b3ed3-268f-5753-9d2b-194d2ee1ed2e"