Brand impersonation: Digital Ocean
Impersonation of the cloud provider Digital Ocean.
Sublime rule (View on GitHub)
1name: "Brand impersonation: Digital Ocean"
2description: |
3 Impersonation of the cloud provider Digital Ocean.
4type: "rule"
5severity: "high"
6source: |
7 type.inbound
8 and (
9 sender.display_name =~ 'digitalocean'
10 or strings.ilevenshtein(sender.display_name, 'digitalocean') <= 2
11 or strings.ilike(, '*digitalocean*')
12 )
13 and not in ('', '')
14 and (
15 not profile.by_sender().solicited
16 or (
17 profile.by_sender().any_messages_malicious_or_spam
18 and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives
19 )
20 )
21 and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives
23 - "Credential Phishing"
25 - "Impersonation: Brand"
26 - "Lookalike domain"
27 - "Social engineering"
29 - "Header analysis"
30 - "Sender analysis"
31id: "7f2f0e97-b89f-54dd-9167-cbf1e55b112b"