Corporate Services Impersonation Phishing

Detects phishing attempts that impersonate corporate services such as HR, helpdesk, and benefits, using specific language in the subject or sender's name and containing suspicious links from low-reputation or mass-mailing domains.

Sublime rule (View on GitHub)

  1name: "Corporate Services Impersonation Phishing"
  2description: "Detects phishing attempts that impersonate corporate services such as HR, helpdesk, and benefits, using specific language in the subject or sender's name and containing suspicious links from low-reputation or mass-mailing domains."
  3type: "rule"
  4severity: "high"
  5source: |
  6  type.inbound
  7  and 0 < length(body.links) < 8
  9  // HR language found in subject
 10  and (
 11    (
 12      length(subject.subject) > 20
 13      and regex.icontains(subject.subject,
 14                          '(time.{0,4}sheet)|(employ).{0,30}(benefit|handbook|comp\b|compensation|salary|pay(roll)?|policy|conduct|acknowl|PTO|vacation)'
 15      )
 16    )
 18    // or HR language found in sender
 19    or (
 20      regex.icontains(sender.display_name,
 21                      '(Employ|Time.{0,3}sheet|\bHR\b|Human R|Handbook|\bIT[- ]|Help.{0,3}Desk)'
 22      )
 23      and not regex.icontains(sender.display_name,
 24                              "forum|employee voice|briefs|newsletter|screening"
 25      )
 26      and not regex.icontains(sender.display_name, "HR (new|vue|view|tech admin|global)")
 27    )
 28  )
 30  // suspicious display_text
 31  and (
 32  any(body.links,
 33      regex.icontains(.display_text,
 34                      '((verify|view|click|download|goto|keep|Vιew|release).{0,10}(request|here|attachment|current|download|fax|file|document|message|same)s?)'
 35      )
 36      and not strings.ilike(.display_text, "*unsub*")
 37      and not strings.ilike(.href_url.url, "*privacy-policy*")
 38      and not strings.ilike(.display_text, "*REGISTER*")
 40      // from a low reputation link
 41      and (
 42        not .href_url.domain.root_domain in $org_domains
 43        and (
 44          .href_url.domain.root_domain not in $tranco_1m
 45          or .href_url.domain.domain in $free_file_hosts
 46          or .href_url.domain.root_domain in $free_file_hosts
 47          or .href_url.domain.root_domain in $free_subdomain_hosts
 48          or .href_url.domain.domain in $url_shorteners
 49        )
 50        or 
 51        // or mass mailer link, masks the actual URL
 52        .href_url.domain.root_domain in (
 53          "",
 54          "",
 55          "",
 56          "",
 57          "",
 58        )
 59      )
 60  )
 61    // or credential theft confidence high
 62    or (
 63      length(body.links) > 0
 64      and any(ml.nlu_classifier(body.current_thread.text).intents,
 65              .name == "cred_theft" and .confidence == "high"
 66      )
 67      and not in (
 68        "",
 69        "",
 70        "",
 71        ""
 72      )
 73    )
 74  )
 75  // negate highly trusted sender domains unless they fail DMARC authentication
 76  and (
 77    (
 78      (
 79 in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
 80        or in $org_domains
 81      )
 82      and not headers.auth_summary.dmarc.pass
 83    )
 84    or (
 85 not in $high_trust_sender_root_domains
 86      and not in $org_domains
 87    )
 88  )
 89  // not from sharepointonline actual
 90  and not (
 91 == "" and 
 92      strings.ends_with(headers.message_id, '@odspnotify>') and strings.starts_with(headers.message_id, "<Spo")
 93  )
 94  // negate common helpdesk platforms
 95  and not any(, .root_domain in ("", ""))
 96  and (
 97    not profile.by_sender().solicited
 98    or (
 99      profile.by_sender().any_messages_malicious_or_spam
100      and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives
101    )
102  )
103  and not profile.by_sender().any_false_positives  
105  - "Credential Phishing"
107  - "Impersonation: Employee"
108  - "Social engineering"
110  - "Content analysis"
111  - "Header analysis"
112  - "Natural Language Understanding"
113  - "Sender analysis"
114id: "3cd04f33-5519-5cc1-8740-e8ce6cddf8a0"