Uncommon Microsoft Office Trusted Location Added

Detects changes to registry keys related to "Trusted Location" of Microsoft Office where the path is set to something uncommon. Attackers might add additional trusted locations to avoid macro security restrictions.

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

 1title: Uncommon Microsoft Office Trusted Location Added
 2id: f742bde7-9528-42e5-bd82-84f51a8387d2
 4    - id: a0bed973-45fa-4625-adb5-6ecdf9be70ac
 5      type: derived
 6status: test
 7description: Detects changes to registry keys related to "Trusted Location" of Microsoft Office where the path is set to something uncommon. Attackers might add additional trusted locations to avoid macro security restrictions.
 9    - Internal Research
10    - https://admx.help/?Category=Office2016&Policy=excel16.Office.Microsoft.Policies.Windows::L_TrustedLoc01
11author: Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
12date: 2023-06-21
13modified: 2023-09-29
15    - attack.defense-evasion
16    - attack.t1112
18    category: registry_set
19    product: windows
21    selection:
22        TargetObject|contains: 'Security\Trusted Locations\Location'
23        TargetObject|endswith: '\Path'
24    filter_exclude_known_paths:
25        Details|contains:
26            - '%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Templates'
27            - '%%APPDATA%%\Microsoft\Templates'
28            - '%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Word\Startup'
29            - '%%APPDATA%%\Microsoft\Word\Startup'
30            - ':\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Templates\'
31            - ':\Program Files\Microsoft Office (x86)\Templates'
32            - ':\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Templates\'
33            - ':\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\'
34    filter_main_office_click_to_run:
35        Image|contains: ':\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\'
36        Image|endswith: '\OfficeClickToRun.exe'
37    filter_main_office_apps:
38        Image|contains:
39            - ':\Program Files\Microsoft Office\'
40            - ':\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\'
41    condition: selection and not 1 of filter_main_* and not 1 of filter_exclude_*
43    - Other unknown legitimate or custom paths need to be filtered to avoid false positives
44level: high


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