Suspicious Windows Service Tampering
Detects the usage of binaries such as 'net', 'sc' or 'powershell' in order to stop, pause, disable or delete critical or important Windows services such as AV, Backup, etc. As seen being used in some ransomware scripts
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Suspicious Windows Service Tampering
2id: ce72ef99-22f1-43d4-8695-419dcb5d9330
4 - id: eb87818d-db5d-49cc-a987-d5da331fbd90
5 type: derived
6 - id: 6783aa9e-0dc3-49d4-a94a-8b39c5fd700b
7 type: obsolete
8 - id: 7fd4bb39-12d0-45ab-bb36-cebabc73dc7b
9 type: obsolete
10status: test
11description: |
12 Detects the usage of binaries such as 'net', 'sc' or 'powershell' in order to stop, pause, disable or delete critical or important Windows services such as AV, Backup, etc. As seen being used in some ransomware scripts
14 -
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19author: Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems), frack113 , X__Junior
20date: 2022-09-01
21modified: 2024-12-23
23 - attack.defense-evasion
24 - attack.t1489
25 - attack.t1562.001
27 category: process_creation
28 product: windows
30 selection_tools_img:
31 - OriginalFileName:
32 - 'net.exe'
33 - 'net1.exe'
34 - 'PowerShell.EXE'
35 - 'psservice.exe'
36 - 'pwsh.dll'
37 - 'sc.exe'
38 - Image|endswith:
39 - '\net.exe'
40 - '\net1.exe'
41 - '\powershell.exe'
42 - '\PsService.exe'
43 - '\PsService64.exe'
44 - '\pwsh.exe'
45 - '\sc.exe'
46 selection_tools_cli:
47 - CommandLine|contains:
48 - ' delete '
49 - ' pause ' # Covers flags from: PsService and Sc.EXE
50 - ' stop ' # Covers flags from: PsService.EXE, Net.EXE and Sc.EXE
51 - 'Stop-Service '
52 - 'Remove-Service '
53 - CommandLine|contains|all:
54 - 'config'
55 - 'start=disabled'
56 selection_services:
57 CommandLine|contains:
58 - '143Svc'
59 - 'Acronis VSS Provider'
60 - 'AcronisAgent'
61 - 'AcrSch2Svc'
62 - 'AdobeARMservice'
63 - 'AHS Service'
64 - 'Antivirus'
65 - 'Apache4'
66 - 'ARSM'
67 - 'aswBcc'
68 - 'AteraAgent'
69 - 'Avast Business Console Client Antivirus Service'
70 - 'avast! Antivirus'
71 - 'AVG Antivirus'
72 - 'avgAdminClient'
73 - 'AvgAdminServer'
74 - 'AVP1'
75 - 'BackupExec'
76 - 'bedbg'
77 - 'BITS'
78 - 'BrokerInfrastructure'
79 - 'CASLicenceServer'
80 - 'CASWebServer'
81 - 'Client Agent 7.60'
82 - 'Core Browsing Protection'
83 - 'Core Mail Protection'
84 - 'Core Scanning Server'
85 - 'DCAgent'
86 - 'dwmrcs'
87 - 'EhttpSr'
88 - 'ekrn'
89 - 'Enterprise Client Service'
90 - 'epag'
91 - 'EPIntegrationService'
92 - 'EPProtectedService'
93 - 'EPRedline'
94 - 'EPSecurityService'
95 - 'EPUpdateService'
96 - 'EraserSvc11710'
97 - 'EsgShKernel'
98 - 'ESHASRV'
99 - 'FA_Scheduler'
100 - 'FirebirdGuardianDefaultInstance'
101 - 'FirebirdServerDefaultInstance'
102 - 'FontCache3.0.0.0'
103 - 'HealthTLService'
104 - 'hmpalertsvc'
105 - 'HMS'
106 - 'HostControllerService'
107 - 'hvdsvc'
108 - 'IAStorDataMgrSvc'
109 - 'IBMHPS'
110 - 'ibmspsvc'
111 - 'IISAdmin'
112 - 'IMANSVC'
113 - 'IMAP4Svc'
114 - 'instance2'
115 - 'KAVFS'
116 - 'KAVFSGT'
117 - 'kavfsslp'
118 - 'KeyIso'
119 - 'klbackupdisk'
120 - 'klbackupflt'
121 - 'klflt'
122 - 'klhk'
123 - 'KLIF'
124 - 'klim6'
125 - 'klkbdflt'
126 - 'klmouflt'
127 - 'klnagent'
128 - 'klpd'
129 - 'kltap'
130 - 'KSDE1.0.0'
131 - 'LogProcessorService'
132 - 'M8EndpointAgent'
133 - 'macmnsvc'
134 - 'masvc'
135 - 'MBAMService'
136 - 'MBCloudEA'
137 - 'MBEndpointAgent'
138 - 'McAfeeDLPAgentService'
139 - 'McAfeeEngineService'
141 - 'McAfeeFramework'
143 - 'McShield'
144 - 'McTaskManager'
145 - 'mfefire'
146 - 'mfemms'
147 - 'mfevto'
148 - 'mfevtp'
149 - 'mfewc'
150 - 'MMS'
151 - 'mozyprobackup'
152 - 'mpssvc'
153 - 'MSComplianceAudit'
154 - 'MSDTC'
155 - 'MsDtsServer'
156 - 'MSExchange'
157 - 'msftesq1SPROO'
158 - 'msftesql$PROD'
159 - 'msftesql$SQLEXPRESS'
160 - 'MSOLAP$SQL_2008'
162 - 'MSOLAP$TPS'
166 - 'mssecflt'
170 - 'MSSQL'
171 - 'MSSQLFDLauncher$'
172 - 'MySQL'
173 - 'NanoServiceMain'
174 - 'NetMsmqActivator'
175 - 'NetPipeActivator'
176 - 'netprofm'
177 - 'NetTcpActivator'
178 - 'NetTcpPortSharing'
179 - 'ntrtscan'
180 - 'nvspwmi'
181 - 'ofcservice'
182 - 'Online Protection System'
183 - 'OracleClientCache80'
184 - 'OracleDBConsole'
185 - 'OracleMTSRecoveryService'
186 - 'OracleOraDb11g_home1'
187 - 'OracleService'
188 - 'OracleVssWriter'
189 - 'osppsvc'
190 - 'PandaAetherAgent'
191 - 'PccNTUpd'
192 - 'PDVFSService'
193 - 'POP3Svc'
194 - 'postgresql-x64-9.4'
195 - 'POVFSService'
196 - 'PSUAService'
197 - 'Quick Update Service'
198 - 'RepairService'
199 - 'ReportServer'
200 - 'ReportServer$'
201 - 'RESvc'
202 - 'RpcEptMapper'
203 - 'sacsvr'
204 - 'SamSs'
205 - 'SAVAdminService'
206 - 'SAVService'
207 - 'ScSecSvc'
208 - 'SDRSVC'
209 - 'SearchExchangeTracing'
210 - 'sense'
211 - 'SentinelAgent'
212 - 'SentinelHelperService'
213 - 'SepMasterService'
214 - 'ShMonitor'
215 - 'Smcinst'
216 - 'SmcService'
217 - 'SMTPSvc'
218 - 'SNAC'
219 - 'SntpService'
220 - 'Sophos'
221 - 'SQ1SafeOLRService'
222 - 'SQL Backups'
223 - 'SQL Server'
224 - 'SQLAgent'
225 - 'SQLANYs_Sage_FAS_Fixed_Assets'
226 - 'SQLBrowser'
227 - 'SQLsafe'
230 - 'SQLWriter'
232 - 'SstpSvc'
233 - 'storflt'
234 - 'svcGenericHost'
235 - 'swc_service'
236 - 'swi_filter'
237 - 'swi_service'
238 - 'swi_update'
239 - 'Symantec'
240 - 'sysmon'
241 - 'TeamViewer'
242 - 'Telemetryserver'
243 - 'ThreatLockerService'
244 - 'TMBMServer'
245 - 'TmCCSF'
246 - 'TmFilter'
247 - 'TMiCRCScanService'
248 - 'tmlisten'
249 - 'TMLWCSService'
250 - 'TmPfw'
251 - 'TmPreFilter'
252 - 'TmProxy'
253 - 'TMSmartRelayService'
254 - 'tmusa'
255 - 'Tomcat'
256 - 'Trend Micro Deep Security Manager'
257 - 'TrueKey'
258 - 'UFNet'
259 - 'UI0Detect'
260 - 'UniFi'
261 - 'UTODetect'
262 - 'vds'
263 - 'Veeam'
264 - 'VeeamDeploySvc'
265 - 'Veritas System Recovery'
266 - 'vmic'
267 - 'VMTools'
268 - 'vmvss'
269 - 'VSApiNt'
270 - 'VSS'
271 - 'W3Svc'
272 - 'wbengine'
273 - 'WdNisSvc'
274 - 'WeanClOudSve'
275 - 'Weems JY'
276 - 'WinDefend'
277 - 'wmms'
278 - 'wozyprobackup'
279 - 'WPFFontCache_v0400'
280 - 'WRSVC'
281 - 'wsbexchange'
282 - 'WSearch'
283 - 'wscsvc'
284 - 'Zoolz 2 Service'
285 condition: all of selection_*
287 - Administrators or tools shutting down the services due to upgrade or removal purposes. If you experience some false positive, please consider adding filters to the parent process launching this command and not removing the entry
288level: high
Related rules
- NetNTLM Downgrade Attack - Registry
- HackTool - Stracciatella Execution
- ESXi Syslog Configuration Change Via ESXCLI
- Tamper Windows Defender - PSClassic
- Tamper Windows Defender - ScriptBlockLogging