Potential WinAPI Calls Via CommandLine
Detects the use of WinAPI Functions via the commandline. As seen used by threat actors via the tool winapiexec
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Potential WinAPI Calls Via CommandLine
2id: ba3f5c1b-6272-4119-9dbd-0bc8d21c2702
4 - id: 03d83090-8cba-44a0-b02f-0b756a050306
5 type: derived
6status: test
7description: Detects the use of WinAPI Functions via the commandline. As seen used by threat actors via the tool winapiexec
9 - https://twitter.com/m417z/status/1566674631788007425
10author: Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
11date: 2022-09-06
12modified: 2023-01-09
14 - attack.execution
15 - attack.t1106
17 category: process_creation
18 product: windows
20 selection:
21 CommandLine|contains:
22 - 'AddSecurityPackage'
23 - 'AdjustTokenPrivileges'
24 - 'Advapi32'
25 - 'CloseHandle'
26 - 'CreateProcessWithToken'
27 - 'CreatePseudoConsole'
28 - 'CreateRemoteThread'
29 - 'CreateThread'
30 - 'CreateUserThread'
31 - 'DangerousGetHandle'
32 - 'DuplicateTokenEx'
33 - 'EnumerateSecurityPackages'
34 - 'FreeHGlobal'
35 - 'FreeLibrary'
36 - 'GetDelegateForFunctionPointer'
37 - 'GetLogonSessionData'
38 - 'GetModuleHandle'
39 - 'GetProcAddress'
40 - 'GetProcessHandle'
41 - 'GetTokenInformation'
42 - 'ImpersonateLoggedOnUser'
43 - 'kernel32'
44 - 'LoadLibrary'
45 - 'memcpy'
46 - 'MiniDumpWriteDump'
47 # - 'msvcrt'
48 - 'ntdll'
49 - 'OpenDesktop'
50 - 'OpenProcess'
51 - 'OpenProcessToken'
52 - 'OpenThreadToken'
53 - 'OpenWindowStation'
54 - 'PtrToString'
55 - 'QueueUserApc'
56 - 'ReadProcessMemory'
57 - 'RevertToSelf'
58 - 'RtlCreateUserThread'
59 - 'secur32'
60 - 'SetThreadToken'
61 # - 'user32'
62 - 'VirtualAlloc'
63 - 'VirtualFree'
64 - 'VirtualProtect'
65 - 'WaitForSingleObject'
66 - 'WriteInt32'
67 - 'WriteProcessMemory'
68 - 'ZeroFreeGlobalAllocUnicode'
69 filter_optional_mpcmdrun:
70 Image|endswith: '\MpCmdRun.exe'
71 CommandLine|contains: 'GetLoadLibraryWAddress32'
72 condition: selection and not 1 of filter_optional_*
74 - Unknown
75level: high
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