Cmd.EXE Missing Space Characters Execution Anomaly
Detects Windows command lines that miss a space before or after the /c flag when running a command using the cmd.exe. This could be a sign of obfuscation of a fat finger problem (typo by the developer).
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Cmd.EXE Missing Space Characters Execution Anomaly
2id: a16980c2-0c56-4de0-9a79-17971979efdd
3status: test
4description: |
5 Detects Windows command lines that miss a space before or after the /c flag when running a command using the cmd.exe.
6 This could be a sign of obfuscation of a fat finger problem (typo by the developer).
8 -
9 -
10author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)
11date: 2022-08-23
12modified: 2023-03-06
14 - attack.execution
15 - attack.t1059.001
17 category: process_creation
18 product: windows
20 selection1: # missing space before the /c
21 CommandLine|contains:
22 - 'cmd.exe/c'
23 - '\cmd/c' # just cmd/c would be prone to false positives
24 - '"cmd/c'
25 - 'cmd.exe/k'
26 - '\cmd/k' # just cmd/k would be prone to false positives
27 - '"cmd/k'
28 - 'cmd.exe/r'
29 - '\cmd/r' # just cmd/r would be prone to false positives
30 - '"cmd/r'
31 selection2: # special cases verified via Virustotal Enterprise search
32 CommandLine|contains:
33 - '/cwhoami'
34 - '/cpowershell'
35 - '/cschtasks'
36 - '/cbitsadmin'
37 - '/ccertutil'
38 - '/kwhoami'
39 - '/kpowershell'
40 - '/kschtasks'
41 - '/kbitsadmin'
42 - '/kcertutil'
43 selection3: # missing space after the /c
44 CommandLine|contains:
45 - 'cmd.exe /c'
46 - 'cmd /c'
47 - 'cmd.exe /k'
48 - 'cmd /k'
49 - 'cmd.exe /r'
50 - 'cmd /r'
51 filter_generic:
52 CommandLine|contains:
53 - 'cmd.exe /c '
54 - 'cmd /c '
55 - 'cmd.exe /k '
56 - 'cmd /k '
57 - 'cmd.exe /r '
58 - 'cmd /r '
59 filter_fp:
60 - CommandLine|contains: 'AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\node_modules'
61 - CommandLine|endswith: 'cmd.exe/c .'
62 - CommandLine: 'cmd.exe /c'
63 condition: 1 of selection* and not 1 of filter_*
65 - Unknown
66level: high
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