DSInternals Suspicious PowerShell Cmdlets - ScriptBlock
Detects execution and usage of the DSInternals PowerShell module. Which can be used to perform what might be considered as suspicious activity such as dumping DPAPI backup keys or manipulating NTDS.DIT files. The DSInternals PowerShell Module exposes several internal features of Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. These include FIDO2 and NGC key auditing, offline ntds.dit file manipulation, password auditing, DC recovery from IFM backups and password hash calculation.
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: DSInternals Suspicious PowerShell Cmdlets - ScriptBlock
2id: 846c7a87-8e14-4569-9d49-ecfd4276a01c
4 - id: 43d91656-a9b2-4541-b7e2-6a9bd3a13f4e
5 type: similar
6status: experimental
7description: |
8 Detects execution and usage of the DSInternals PowerShell module. Which can be used to perform what might be considered as suspicious activity such as dumping DPAPI backup keys or manipulating NTDS.DIT files.
9 The DSInternals PowerShell Module exposes several internal features of Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. These include FIDO2 and NGC key auditing, offline ntds.dit file manipulation, password auditing, DC recovery from IFM backups and password hash calculation.
11 - https://github.com/MichaelGrafnetter/DSInternals/blob/39ee8a69bbdc1cfd12c9afdd7513b4788c4895d4/Src/DSInternals.PowerShell/DSInternals.psd1
12author: Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
13date: 2024-06-26
15 - attack.execution
16 - attack.t1059.001
18 product: windows
19 category: ps_script
20 definition: 'Requirements: Script Block Logging must be enabled'
22 selection:
23 ScriptBlockText|contains:
24 - 'Add-ADDBSidHistory'
25 - 'Add-ADNgcKey'
26 - 'Add-ADReplNgcKey'
27 - 'ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob'
28 - 'ConvertFrom-GPPrefPassword'
29 - 'ConvertFrom-ManagedPasswordBlob'
30 - 'ConvertFrom-UnattendXmlPassword'
31 - 'ConvertFrom-UnicodePassword'
32 - 'ConvertTo-AADHash'
33 - 'ConvertTo-GPPrefPassword'
34 - 'ConvertTo-KerberosKey'
35 - 'ConvertTo-LMHash'
36 - 'ConvertTo-MsoPasswordHash'
37 - 'ConvertTo-NTHash'
38 - 'ConvertTo-OrgIdHash'
39 - 'ConvertTo-UnicodePassword'
40 - 'Disable-ADDBAccount'
41 - 'Enable-ADDBAccount'
42 - 'Get-ADDBAccount'
43 - 'Get-ADDBBackupKey'
44 - 'Get-ADDBDomainController'
45 - 'Get-ADDBGroupManagedServiceAccount'
46 - 'Get-ADDBKdsRootKey'
47 - 'Get-ADDBSchemaAttribute'
48 - 'Get-ADDBServiceAccount'
49 - 'Get-ADDefaultPasswordPolicy'
50 - 'Get-ADKeyCredential' # Covers 'Get-ADKeyCredentialLink'
51 - 'Get-ADPasswordPolicy'
52 - 'Get-ADReplAccount'
53 - 'Get-ADReplBackupKey'
54 - 'Get-ADReplicationAccount'
55 - 'Get-ADSIAccount'
56 - 'Get-AzureADUserEx'
57 - 'Get-BootKey'
58 - 'Get-KeyCredential'
59 - 'Get-LsaBackupKey'
60 - 'Get-LsaPolicy' # Covers 'Get-LsaPolicyInformation'
61 - 'Get-SamPasswordPolicy'
62 - 'Get-SysKey'
63 - 'Get-SystemKey'
64 - 'New-ADDBRestoreFromMediaScript'
65 - 'New-ADKeyCredential' # Covers 'New-ADKeyCredentialLink'
66 - 'New-ADNgcKey'
67 - 'New-NTHashSet'
68 - 'Remove-ADDBObject'
69 - 'Save-DPAPIBlob'
70 - 'Set-ADAccountPasswordHash'
71 - 'Set-ADDBAccountPassword' # Covers 'Set-ADDBAccountPasswordHash'
72 - 'Set-ADDBBootKey'
73 - 'Set-ADDBDomainController'
74 - 'Set-ADDBPrimaryGroup'
75 - 'Set-ADDBSysKey'
76 - 'Set-AzureADUserEx'
77 - 'Set-LsaPolicy' # Covers 'Set-LSAPolicyInformation'
78 - 'Set-SamAccountPasswordHash'
79 - 'Set-WinUserPasswordHash'
80 - 'Test-ADDBPasswordQuality'
81 - 'Test-ADPasswordQuality'
82 - 'Test-ADReplPasswordQuality'
83 - 'Test-PasswordQuality'
84 - 'Unlock-ADDBAccount'
85 - 'Write-ADNgcKey'
86 - 'Write-ADReplNgcKey'
87 condition: selection
89 - Legitimate usage of DSInternals for administration or audit purpose.
90level: high
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