HackTool - SharpEvtMute DLL Load
Detects the load of EvtMuteHook.dll, a key component of SharpEvtHook, a tool that tampers with the Windows event logs
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: HackTool - SharpEvtMute DLL Load
2id: 49329257-089d-46e6-af37-4afce4290685
4 - id: bedfc8ad-d1c7-4e37-a20e-e2b0dbee759c # Process Creation
5 type: similar
6status: test
7description: Detects the load of EvtMuteHook.dll, a key component of SharpEvtHook, a tool that tampers with the Windows event logs
9 - https://github.com/bats3c/EvtMute
10author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)
11date: 2022-09-07
12modified: 2024-11-23
14 - attack.defense-evasion
15 - attack.t1562.002
17 category: image_load
18 product: windows
20 selection:
21 Hashes|contains: 'IMPHASH=330768A4F172E10ACB6287B87289D83B'
22 condition: selection
24 - Other DLLs with the same Imphash
25level: high
Related rules
- ETW Logging/Processing Option Disabled On IIS Server
- HTTP Logging Disabled On IIS Server
- New Module Module Added To IIS Server
- Previously Installed IIS Module Was Removed
- Audit Policy Tampering Via Auditpol