.RDP File Created By Uncommon Application
Detects creation of a file with an ".rdp" extension by an application that doesn't commonly create such files.
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: .RDP File Created By Uncommon Application
2id: fccfb43e-09a7-4bd2-8b37-a5a7df33386d
4 - id: f748c45a-f8d3-4e6f-b617-fe176f695b8f
5 type: derived
6status: test
7description: |
8 Detects creation of a file with an ".rdp" extension by an application that doesn't commonly create such files.
10 - https://www.blackhillsinfosec.com/rogue-rdp-revisiting-initial-access-methods/
11 - https://web.archive.org/web/20230726144748/https://blog.thickmints.dev/mintsights/detecting-rogue-rdp/
12author: Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)
13date: 2023-04-18
14modified: 2024-11-01
16 - attack.defense-evasion
18 product: windows
19 category: file_event
21 selection:
22 TargetFilename|endswith: '.rdp'
23 Image|endswith:
24 # Covers browsers
25 - '\brave.exe'
26 - '\CCleaner Browser\Application\CCleanerBrowser.exe'
27 - '\chromium.exe'
28 - '\firefox.exe'
29 - '\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'
30 - '\iexplore.exe'
31 - '\microsoftedge.exe'
32 - '\msedge.exe'
33 - '\Opera.exe'
34 - '\Vivaldi.exe'
35 - '\Whale.exe'
36 # Covers email clients
37 - '\olk.exe' # Outlook
38 - '\Outlook.exe'
39 - '\RuntimeBroker.exe' # If the windows mail client is used
40 - '\Thunderbird.exe'
41 # Covers chat applications
42 - '\Discord.exe' # Should open the browser for download, but just in case.
43 - '\Keybase.exe'
44 - '\msteams.exe'
45 - '\Slack.exe'
46 - '\teams.exe'
47 condition: selection
49 - Unknown
50level: high
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