SQL Injection Strings In URI

Detects potential SQL injection attempts via GET requests in access logs.

Sigma rule (View on GitHub)

 1title: SQL Injection Strings In URI
 2id: 5513deaf-f49a-46c2-a6c8-3f111b5cb453
 3status: test
 4description: Detects potential SQL injection attempts via GET requests in access logs.
 6    - https://www.acunetix.com/blog/articles/exploiting-sql-injection-example/
 7    - https://www.acunetix.com/blog/articles/using-logs-to-investigate-a-web-application-attack/
 8    - https://brightsec.com/blog/sql-injection-payloads/
 9    - https://github.com/payloadbox/sql-injection-payload-list
10    - https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-web/sql-injection/mysql-injection
11author: Saw Win Naung, Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems), Thurein Oo (Yoma Bank)
12date: 2020-02-22
13modified: 2023-09-04
15    - attack.initial-access
16    - attack.t1190
18    category: webserver
20    selection:
21        cs-method: 'GET'
22    keywords:
23        - '@@version'
24        - '%271%27%3D%271'
25        - '=select '
26        - '=select('
27        - '=select%20'
28        - 'concat_ws('
29        - 'CONCAT(0x'
30        - 'from mysql.innodb_table_stats'
31        - 'from%20mysql.innodb_table_stats'
32        - 'group_concat('
33        - 'information_schema.tables'
34        - 'json_arrayagg('
35        - 'or 1=1#'
36        - 'or%201=1#'
37        - 'order by '
38        - 'order%20by%20'
39        - 'select * '
40        - 'select database()'
41        - 'select version()'
42        - 'select%20*%20'
43        - 'select%20database()'
44        - 'select%20version()'
45        - 'select%28sleep%2810%29'
46        - 'SELECTCHAR('
47        - 'table_schema'
48        - 'UNION ALL SELECT'
49        - 'UNION SELECT'
50        - 'UNION%20ALL%20SELECT'
51        - 'UNION%20SELECT'
52        - "'1'='1"
53    filter_main_status:
54        sc-status: 404
55    condition: selection and keywords and not 1 of filter_main_*
57    - Java scripts and CSS Files
58    - User searches in search boxes of the respective website
59    - Internal vulnerability scanners can cause some serious FPs when used, if you experience a lot of FPs due to this think of adding more filters such as "User Agent" strings and more response codes
60level: high


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