Granting Of Permissions To An Account
Identifies IPs from which users grant access to other users on azure resources and alerts when a previously unseen source IP address is used.
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Granting Of Permissions To An Account
2id: a622fcd2-4b5a-436a-b8a2-a4171161833c
3status: test
4description: Identifies IPs from which users grant access to other users on azure resources and alerts when a previously unseen source IP address is used.
6 -
7author: sawwinnnaung
8date: 2020-05-07
9modified: 2023-10-11
11 - attack.persistence
12 - attack.t1098.003
14 product: azure
15 service: activitylogs
17 keywords:
18 - Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write
19 condition: keywords
21 - Valid change
22level: medium
Related rules
- App Granted Privileged Delegated Or App Permissions
- Github Outside Collaborator Detected
- Okta Admin Role Assigned to an User or Group
- User Added to an Administrator's Azure AD Role
- A Member Was Added to a Security-Enabled Global Group