Potential Remote Command Execution In Pod Container
Detects attempts to execute remote commands, within a Pod's container using e.g. the "kubectl exec" command.
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Potential Remote Command Execution In Pod Container
2id: a1b0ca4e-7835-413e-8471-3ff2b8a66be6
3status: experimental
4description: |
5 Detects attempts to execute remote commands, within a Pod's container using e.g. the "kubectl exec" command.
7 - https://microsoft.github.io/Threat-Matrix-for-Kubernetes/techniques/Exec%20into%20container/
8author: Leo Tsaousis (@laripping)
9date: 2024-03-26
11 - attack.t1609
13 category: application
14 product: kubernetes
15 service: audit
17 selection:
18 verb: 'create'
19 objectRef.resource: 'pods'
20 objectRef.subresource: 'exec'
21 condition: selection
23 - Legitimate debugging activity. Investigate the identity performing the requests and their authorization.
24level: medium