Anomaly detection for Apache Tomcat
Detecting suspicious error log events which may lead to potential security threats
Sigma rule (View on GitHub)
1title: Anomaly detection for Apache Tomcat
2id: 7b440aa5-2a52-460a-80fc-16ef1ba7e44e
3status: experimental
4description: Detecting suspicious error log events which may lead to potential security threats
6 - Internal Research
7author: Loginsoft Research Unit
8date: 2020/07/21
10 product: Tomcat
11 category: webserver
13 keywords:
14 - 'IntrospectionUtils: Assert: Illegal params'
15 - 'Failed to trigger creation of the GC Daemon thread during Tomcat start to prevent possible memory leaks. This is expected on non-Sun JVMs'
16 condition: keywords
18 - Unknown
19level: low```